Saturday 21 January 2017

Jade: Why I Chose Porn
Carly Rae Summers has nearly 60,000 followers on Twitter, can earn over £1200 for 2 day's work, travels the world and has 9 videos (and counting) to buy instantly from her website and top up her funds - it's what we all dream of right - success? BUT perhaps working with men endowed generously with 12-14 inches down below and constant clinical testing to rule out any potential dangers of the job - there is perhaps more to this lifestyle than meets the eye.

'Jade: Why I Chose Porn' allows Jade to tell her own story. It doesn't completely escape judgement, with Shooting PD Rachel Tracy offering up concern and doubt over Jade's choices - not on a moral level but enough to allow the audience too, to doubt Jade's convictions.

Huffington Post UK
It has though, allowed us at least to see Jade as herself. She is confident enough to not wear make-up on camera, she has gained body confidence from a growing career in porn. Jade is a normal 22yr old girl, and despite the immediate stereotypical opinions that seem to befoul sex-workers in general, she is largely portrayed as comfortable and in control. Jade isn't ill-informed, she isn't naive, she is a feminist who enjoys freedom, is driven in her work and has dreams of a lifestyle that many of us would be jealous of. But what does it take to get her there? And why porn?

Jade knows about the danger of viewers believing that schoolgirl fetishes and patriarchal dominance throughout porn are reflections of the real world. She understands the danger of young men believing that women should perform sexually at their every whim. Jade herself experienced assault but we cannot cast a shadow on Jade as a victim, she is not a victim.

Despite physical trauma at work (the result of a personal choice not of anything untoward), a choice between a relationship or work and earlier haphazard videos where she didn't aways feel in control, Jade emerges strong.

This is a woman who has taken control. She means it literally when she says 'I've worked my ass off' to get where she is. Despite a largely negative reception to sex-work, porn is a controlled environment where the men treat you with respect and professionalism, where you can be confident that you won't catch diseases or infections and where you can stop, simply by saying so. She's been let down in the past, men in the real world have treated her (like many of us) with less respect than we deserve and now Jade has chosen a career that grabs that by the horns, has boosted her self-confidence, her body image and her bank account.

But what about when you aren't attracted to your co-star - there isn't that connection that prompts you to WANT to have sex with one another. It seems for both parties that the sex that can follow a mutual non-feeling, fuels self-doubt and can leave both parties more vulnerable than before. Perhaps it's a bad day at work and all of us understand the self-doubt that can follow a moment where we have not performed to the best of our abilities. It's no different here. But it has got me thinking about the psychology of sex and about the way our minds and bodies react to sex in different environments and scenarios. Does sex as work change any of this? I'd certainly be interested to find out.

But in terms of Jade's own story, I'm glad that we were introduced to a girl who clearly expresses that she has CHOSEN to work in porn. Jade is the master of her own future and that is the thing I took from the 40min doc. And if it didn't quite manage to reserve it's judgement completely, at least it's heading in the right direction.

For Jade's own words, click the link: where most importantly she says:

"My ambition is to live life to the full and to keep on living by this mantra. I don’t regret any of the decisions I’ve made up until this point. Unlike many career focused people, I don’t have a five or ten year goal. As long as I’m successful and happy, then I’m hitting my target".

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